Casual and Action Photography
Casual and Action Photography attempt to as accurate and comprehensive representing all the subjects
People seem to always be posing for pictures:
This is not Casual and Action Photography’s style as it does not reveal the true image
Casual and Action Photography will not stereo type any person, religion or custom. We take the image as we see it as to portray the actual evet or situation.
All subjects will be treated with respect. We will not show bias to any subject.
Due to the style of Casual and Action Photography using available light technology the image is not deleted nor is the mood of the event or occasion altered
No photo will be displayed in any form or fashion with written permission from the subject or controlling organization
Casual and Action Photography Will not be influenced by any political party, religion organization, or ethnic group everyone and everything is treated equally.
Casual and Action Photography will not pay anyone to express our point of view on any subject matter
All Photographers have the right to shoot as they please. Casual and Action Photography will not interfere or sabotage any other photographer we will always maintain the highest standard of behaviour. We will be professional will all interactions with people.
When shooting nature and animals Casual and Action Photography will respect their local environment as we are visitors to their world.
Safety is always Casual and Actin Photography top priority. We will not put ourselves or anything in harm’s way.
When shooting nature Casual and Action Photography will follow nature’s code of ethics
Leave only foot prints take only memories
We will not move or tamper with any object in order to get a better shot we will either move to get a different view point or place a portable reflector near by.
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