Casual and Action Photography
New Event Product Notification:
Your Essential Guide to Photographing Christmas
With our most recent publication, our users can now add to their photographic skills and possibly make some extra income
Why It Matters:
Many of our customers spend the majority of their time outside in the field. They’ve taken the photos they needed on a camera or phone and then uploaded them to their computer and are not satisfied with the image. This Guide will show you how to get the image right the first time
How It Works:
• You Purchase This Book
• Practice the techniques presented
• ‘Upload’ the images to your computer
• Sort out all the perfect ones ( or the ones the client wants)
• Use an editing software to correct minor imperfections
Who Gets It?
This is currently available for all customers that are interested in perfecting their photography skills with the hopes of making some extra income on the side
Currently, this publication is available on our web site under New Release
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Training to be an event Photographer